Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My New Life

It's so weird how quickly my life has changed, I've gone from being an independent working woman to someone who sits on the couch most of the day breastfeeding. It's hard for me to be so housebound and I can't wait until I'm allowed to drive again. I feel fine and don't really have any after effects of the c section but Craig won't let me lift a finger unless it's to look after Aidan. I love my little boy so much that I can't stop taking pictures of him, you can probably tell by the expression on his face what he thinks of his mother's fondness for sticking a camera in his face and blinding him with the flash, oh well he'll get used to it.


Anonymous said...

He is so cute! And getting so big already! Call me if you want to take a roadtrip to Christy's house and I'll gladly get you out of your house. :)

Heidi said...

Enjoy your time sitting on your couch. Before you know it you will be up chasing Aidan and wishing you had time to just sit. Take lots of pictures, he will change so fast.

Anonymous said...

He. Is. BEAUTIFUL!!! Can't wait to hold him!

Jen said...

Such a handsome little guy!

Kaili said...

He is SO cute! IT is SUCH a big change starting a family. I also struggled with it. Not that I didn't want to be a Mom or anything like that, it's just a HUGE shock to your lifestyle. I understand! You'll get use to it in no time and when you have time to yourself for "whatever" you will feel odd then. So weird how thngs change!

jfur said...

this is the best part of being a new mom.... enjoy the time and soak every second of your newborn up!