Friday, February 03, 2006

Countdown to England

Craig and I were lay in bed last night when it suddenly hit us how soon it is until we go back to England. Actually it hit Craig as he said "Cool, we go to England in like two weeks", never let it be said that my husband doesn't state the obvious. It's weird though last week we thought we were going back for good and now just a few days later everything is different and it's just a holiday. I never could have dreamed 18 months ago all the changes my life has taken and where God has taken us. It's so exciting to contemplate the next 50 years and all the things we're going to see and experience and all the people we get to share those things with.

It's kinda scary going back to England and seeing everyone again,not least because I've put on weight and feel like a hippo at the moment. I feel tired just contemplating how busy this visit will be and the number of people we've got to spend time with, part of me just wants to lock myself in my house and stay there for two weeks, but I won't.

18 days and counting!


Amanda Brown said...

Adele, you are beautiful and I know you will have a lovely time in your homeland. We are so happy that it's just for a vacation, though! Can't wait till you guys get all settled here in Summerland and can officially put your roots down. WE ALL THINK YOU'RE NEAT! :)

Angella said...

Ditto to Amanda!