Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Out of the Loop

It's crazy how much happens in blogger world in just two days. I've been really busy with work this week and I have meetings for most of the rest of the week so I've been neglecting my blog (oh the shame). When I went to check today I was amazed by how much goes on in such a short space of time, I had no idea Amanda was having a poll on the sex of her baby (23 comments you're so famous), who knew that Christy was ill, that Jen made cupcakes and Angella ate at McDonalds (not that salad consitutes eating). It's only when you don't have access to a computer that you realise what a large part of our lives and friendships this whole world has become. I'm going to miss it so much when we go to England, a whole 3 weeks without blogging, how will I survive?


Stephanie and Brad said...

I understand Adele. Since I have been home, I haven't been as consistent in reading blogs and so I am not keeping up with everything that has been written!!

Angella said...

You'll keep up in England...just make a daily date with a computer at an Internet cafe!
We'll miss you when you go!

Amanda Brown said...

You MUST blog from across the pond! Telling us tales of devouring mutton and what not. Oh, how we shall miss you!! :(

Kaili said...

I also find it crazy how much goes on in blog-land when I haven't had a chance to keep up with it all. Although sometimes I don't check just so that when I do get time to sit down with a cup of tea I have lots to read and comment on.
Good suggestion Angella, she's right, find an internet cafe and keep up while you are away.

Elizabeth said...

you'll just have to set aside time... when you get back, if you haven't the chance while you are there... but you will miss us, won't you? I'll miss your blog, too!!

karen said...

I know how you feel -- I was at work for ONE day, and was as much in the dark as you were! Anyways, keep us posted when you are away, you know we'll all be checking daily!