Tuesday, May 16, 2006


It's over! No not my life just Grey's Anatomy and not to give it away but what an ending. In a way I'm glad it's over for a little while, I can't take the emotional rollercoaster plus now I have noe excuse to stay inside on Sunday evenings. Rollerblading here I come!


Stephanie and Brad said...

Adele, I don't watch Grey's Anatomy but I do LOVE rollerblading. We can have a rollerblading party- perhaps eat ice cream while we rollerblade! haha

Jen said...

It was great! I am sad it's done for the year. :(

Heidi said...

I don't usually cry but last night I bawled. I am looking forward to what is in store for next season.

Angella said...

Can't wait to see you on blades! Not sure if it's the safest activity for me to partake in...
