Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday Afternoon Blues

Why is Friday so long? Why have Nisha and I spent most of the morning reading the paper or surfing the internet because we have nothing else to do? Why am I blogging at work? The answer is BECAUSE OUR JOB SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a lighter note my Mum is back from holiday this weekend I've missed talking to her these past two weeks, although it's been good to hear more from my big sis instead.
I'm so bored I can't even think of anything to blog about aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (that was me screaming in silent frustration by the way)


Jen said...

If I was in Summerland I'd come hang out with you at work. But I'm stuck here unpacking which is equally boring.

Anonymous said...

Office boredom...I can empathize, Adele. At least it's quiet at work so you can have a break before going home and bein Super Nanny! :)