Wednesday, September 13, 2006

"Meeting Myself Coming Backwards"

To quote my mother. I seem to be so busy lately, I come home from work cook dinner, clean up, help with the babies (usually getting puked on at least two or three times) make Craig's lunch for the next day and crawl into bed at about 9.30 ready for it all to start the next day. I am so looking forward to my holiday and spending time with friends (I vaguely remember what that's like) luckily it's not too long until Grey's Anatomy starts so I'll have at least one night a week to call my own (woe betide anyone who interrupts my McDreamy time!)


Jen said...

Sounds busy! Enjoy your break.

T minus 8 days until Grey's. :)

I miss you!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

CANNOT WAIT FOR GREY'S!!! Hope you'll be making those infamous cookies. I need a good cleanse. :)

Anonymous said...

Busy, busy girl!! Can't wait for Grey's either. And I haven't ever had these infamous cookies...